Report bug in KeySuggest.
  • 03 Sep 2022
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Report bug in KeySuggest.

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Article summary

If you have found a bug and would like to report it, we appreciate your time and cooperation. Please, follow the next steps:

  1. In your browser, open KeySuggest from an Incognito/Private window;
  2. Command+Shift+N (macOS)
  3. Ctrl+Shift+N (Windows)
  4. Open Inspect Element. In the new window, you can either right-click and select ‘Inspect’ or:
  5. Command+Option+i (macOS)
  6. Ctrl+Shift+i (Windows)
  7. Go to the Network tab in the Inspect Element window, make sure the Record button is red, and check the Preserve Log box;
  8. Now, with the Inspect Element window open, try to reproduce the error.
  9. After reproducing the bug, go to the Console tab in the Inspect Element window, right-click it, and select ‘Save as…’. Save the text file. You will send it to us later;
  10. Now go to the Network tab and locate the “arrow down” button, as if it was a download icon. Click on it, and you will export the .har file. Save it.
  11. Send both files to
  12. The .txt from the Console tab (step 5);
  13. And the .har from Network (step 6).

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